Akajiugo-Ebede Agulu Visit to A.P.U Owerri Branch Was a Success (VIDEO)

Akajiugo-Ebede Agulu visit to A.P.U Owerri Branch was a success, when asked how it went down by the faceofagulu, he said, I was impressed by the massive welcoming I received.

They were equally happy to see me, all the stakeholders and Chairman of the branch acclaimed and commended me for being the first person to visit and showed love to them since P.G campaign started.

They promised that no matter what happens, they must clear all there dept in Agulu to ensure that they partake in this coming election in order to support me

They prayed for my victory in this coming election and said they believe that I am the right candidate to bring Agulu to the next level.

Out of Joy, they perform a fund raise to help clear up all their dept.

I am very happy that it was a successful journey.
