Sir Onyebuchi Okpala-JP, Congratulates The Able President General (PG) Of APU, And Urged Him To Carry Everyone Along.

Chief Oliver Afemefuna (Owele Agulu) PG Agulu people's Union


By: Dr. Money-Dibiaego

In a post he made available for Agulu Think Tank WhatsApp group, earlier today, he said and I quote!

Greetings to you allUmunnem ndi Agulu

I wish to use this medium to thank all of you who always think and wish for peace and progress of our lovely town Agulu gbulu enyi na mma

So far the struggle of who becomes the PG Agulu since and after Dec 30/2020 APU Election, which after the government of Anambra State constituted the caretaker committee and later Appointed me and others to be on top of the affairs of the Town Union since 2/2/2021 until…

Chief Oliver Afemefuna (Owele Agulu) PG Agulu people’s Union

It is on the record that we didn’t appoint or choose our selves to be in the position rather sircumstances brought us , and to the glory of God almighty we put our energy to foster peace, security stability and progress despite the challenges.

Let me on behalf of the Caretaker Committee members thank the good and peace loving people of Agulu for the PRAYERS, SUPPORT, UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE so far since we came on board,

I will not forget to thank Ezudo Agulu the Traditional Ruler and father of Agulu people’s Union Nig HRH Igwe Innocent Elochukwu Obodoakor and Council members , the Religious Leaders, patriotic and powerful stakeholders of Agulu who has been supportive to the caretaker committee in which we make so many achievement.. like
1.Fight Against Nkpulu mmiri 2. Reforming our security3. Maintaining peace and tranquility4 suspension of Akpala mmonwu Masquerade menace5. Sanitizing the Town by chasing out Hoodlums/gun men who snatch and Rob people on gun point with Keke and mortocycle etc.

Ndi Agulu After due Consultations I and my committee wishes to give PEACE and PROGRESS a chance in our community by Congratulating our brother Chief Oliver Afemefuna (Owele Agulu) as PG Agulu people’s Union as Declared by Neni High court on 18/2/2022.

To ndi Agulu
On this Note I equally want use this medium to urge those who play politics with our community to desist from such maka na UDO kanyi choro…

Let us tackle the challenges facing our community as one family with love and maturity. Together we shall make Agulu great onye gbulu nwanneya aburokwa Odogwu, maka na gbue dike gbue dike ubochi ogu achobakwa dike.
Owele Carry everyone along…. Don’t fight or look for war!!!

Agulu nwere Ife nile (use every instrument for a good purpose)
God Bless Agulu gbulu enyi na mma

Long Live APU

Yours sincerelySir Onyebuchi Okpala JP.