Nigeria’s Opposition Rejects the Declared Results of the Ongoing Presidential Elections

opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the Nigerian
Presidential elections has rejected the results currently being
declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission
(INEC), alleging irregularities and over inflation of results in
favour of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).
In a move which could throw the already chaotic situation
surrounding Nigeria’s elections into further doubt, the opposition
has held a press conference categorically rejecting the results
which are currently being released by the INEC.
In a move reminiscent of the NDC’s own ‘comfortable lead’
press conference from Ghana’s 2016 elections, the PDP said the
results being released are being massaged to help the ruling
party win the elections and that they have their own results
which show them being in a ‘comfortable lead.
National Chairman of the PDP, Uche Secondus, made the
comments during a press briefing held by the party.
“Our collation centres have the original results from all the
polling units in the country. That is from where are going to
reclaim our results,” he said.
“The results are incorrect and unacceptable to our party. Officials
of the APC working with INEC have decided to alter results to
affect our people. This must now be resisted by every well-
meaning Nigerian. INEC must live up to its responsibility.
They are under pressure. We have the facts and when the time
comes, we begin to release them.” Secondus added.
The 2019 election pits the incumbent Muhammadu Buhari of the
APC against former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar of the PDP.
