
International Record Label based here in Accra, 4Real records together with JKLFoundation set to donate, on 14 February (Valentine Day) to newly born babies at the  Achimota Hospital baby items like toiletries which include baby diapers, toilet roll, soaps among others to newly delivered mothers.

Speaking during the presentation, the MD of the record label, said this is their 3rd Edition and as part of their quest for charity ,They are oblige  to put smiles on the faces of the newly delivered mothers especially the ones who  gave birth on a valentines day.

He added that, to give away money is an eassy matter in a mans power, But to decide to whom to give it to, and how large and when , and for what purpose and how is niether in every mans power not as eassy matter..We are aiming to show new borns love on vals day at the Achimota Hospital because, belive we make a living by what we get But we make a life by what we give, and as charity see the need not the cause, thats why we do this, on the social side we appeal to all to support by giving to our Donation at the Martenity ward at Achimota Hospital and when you make a gift, you will receive a profile of one of the families whose lives are being bestord by our donations.”

We need your help by makeing a donation to support our Mission.You can make a difference of donating newly born baby items or any amount to support JKLfoundation /4reaLRecords effort at our office at Taifa, Adress :Ms 254 or send Mobile Money to 0023247467455
Watch past donations of 4realRecords below