About Agulu

Agulu in Anambra, Nigeria

Agulu is a large town in Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located in Anaocha Local Government Area.              It is a home to the famous Agulu Lake.  Agulu has produced a lot of eminent personalities, amongst them are the present Governor of Anambra State Mr. Peter Obi, others include Dora Akunyili the past NAFDAC Director,  PROF.DR SAMPSON IKE OLI From Agulu is Heading Department Of Criminal Justice In United States of America, CHIEF MRS JOY EMORDI. Special Assistant on National Assembly Matters for PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN,

Agulu is also known for the Agulu-Nanka erosion sites.

Agulu has a traditional ruler like every other towns do have but one thing that is special is that agulu has a peculiar traditional leader who is working hard in bringing development to Agulu and also he encourages every Agulu indigenous to work hard to achieve success in life.

Traditional Ruler

Igwe Innocent Obodoakor of Nwanchi Agulu.
The current and third Igwe of Agulu

Villages in Agulu

Amaezike‎ – Amatutu‎ – Amoji‎ – Ifiteani‎ – Isiamigbo‎ – Nkitaku‎ –
Nneogidi‎ – Nnoha‎ – Nwanchi‎ – Obe‎ – Obeagu‎ – Odidama‎ – Okpu-Agulu‎
– Okpu-Ifite‎ – Uhueme‎ – Ukunu‎ – Umubiala‎ – Umuifite‎ – Umunnowu‎ – Umuowele‎
