


4realRecords recording music artiste Dr.Money and Poum Music president – Ras kuuku are set to releases a brand new song for your listening pleasure as ahead of Valentines Day. The song dubbed “loving you”,and produced by Ibee on the beat.

This two icons put dexterity on display on this dancehall track, as the best medium to show their special love to their funs especially on vals day . Here’s a song about having your buddy’s back, and why not remind that friend you love them on valentines day.

This song is set to hit Ghana, Africa and rest of the continents all over the world, because of its good lyric content, great production and rhythms that suit every listening ears

The song is set to by out bythe 9th of February and will be premired by 4pm on Hitz fm and also on class 91.3 fm by 5pm on saturday 10th february..You can still tune in to hitz 103.9 from monday to friday from and catch the grove and chills of the latest song “Loving You”

Anticipate the release of Friday the 9th from Dr.Money and Ras kuuku