Sole Soyinka has commented on his relationship with former Head of State Yakubu Gowon,

By Marlikberry,

Nobel Laureate, Sole Soyinka has commented on his relationship with former Head of State Yakubu Gowon who on August 1967 arrested and placed him is solitary confinement just as the Civil War started.
The playwright who was detained by the Gowon government for two years in the wake of the Nigerian Civil War, told Channels Television that there is nothing to forgive so far am concern.
Soyinka said ”We communicate whenever possible, he came for my birthday in Abeokuta here. And when he started to apologies he made a public apology and I said, There is no need for it because the ones I find difficult to forgive are those who lied against me because I don’t like liars and I cannot stand liars
