Human trafficking has become a major problem in Uganda. According to the Trafficking in Persons Report from 2020, estimates determined that traffickers are currently exploiting 7,000 to 12,000 children through sex trafficking in Uganda.

In February 2020, the government and civil society reported children from Karamoja were sold at markets in the eastern region for Shs20,000-50,000 and traffickers exploited them in forced labor as beggars, domestic workers, and in commercial sex.
In February 2020, the government and civil society reported children from Karamoja were sold at markets in the eastern region for Shs20,000-50,000 and traffickers exploited them in forced labor as beggars, domestic workers, and in commercial sex.
With such increase in the trade of humans, Vision Voice Africa (VVA), a Non-Governmental Organization has come in to support anti-trafficking efforts in Uganda.
According to Okwunwanne Mmaduka, the Chairman of VVA in these modern days slave trade was defeated and now the battle has been directed to trafficking by traffickers and organ Harvesters.

“We cannot continue seeing the lifeless body of our young men and women littering in the middle of ocean and seas. We can’t stand the pain knowing that our children are being put in the cage waiting for their organs to be harvested by the organ traffickers. By missing steps and end their life at most painful and inhuman treatment. We must do something to educate our children on these dangerous moves,” said Okwunwanne during the launch of the campaign.
Okwunwanne says they are going to expand protective services for victims through partnerships with other NGOs, Increase efforts to investigate trafficking cases and prosecute alleged traffickers, including allegations of official complicity in trafficking crimes and prosecute and convict complicit officials.
He reveals that VVA is has come to Uganda to try to help in ending human trafficking and dangerous migration.
On why they chose Uganda first, he explains that majority of the victims they have interacted with are from Uganda and so they found it wise to camp base here before spreading to other African countries.