7 Salemba Prison Inmates in Indonesia Escaped

7 Salemba Prison Inmates in Indonesia Escape Through Rusty, Old Drain

7 Salemba Prison Inmates in Indonesia Escape Through Rusty, Old Drain

The Cempaka Putih Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the INAFIS (Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System) Team of the Central Jakarta Metro Police visited the Class 1 Central Jakarta State Prison (Rutan) or Salemba Prison on Tuesday, November 12, afternoon, where 7 Salemba Prison Inmates escaped.

The arrival of the police officers was to conduct a crime scene investigation (TKP) at the location of the prison cells where the escaped prisoners were and other points.

From VOI’s monitoring at the location, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Cempaka Putih Police, AKP Yossy Januar, was seen leading the crime scene investigation. However, the Head of the Unit was reluctant to provide information regarding the results of the crime scene investigation.

Five of the seven prisoners and inmates of Salemba Prison who escaped through the culvert are known to be part of a narcotics network from Aceh. They escaped through a water channel with iron bars that had also been cut.

“The culvert looks like it’s been there for a long time, it’s been cut for some time so that they could smoothly reach the door or end of the culvert adjacent to Mitra 10 (outside area of ​​Salemba Prison),” said the Head of the Corrections Division (Kadivpas) of the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office, Tonny Nainggolan to reporters, Tuesday night, November 12. About the 7 Salemba Prison Inmates that escaped.

The police are still investigating when the prisoners were able to break through the prison’s defenses. As well as how the perpetrators technically cut the iron bars of the culvert, the police are still investigating.

“We are currently investigating or investigating whether it was done by WBP or by an outside party,” he said.

Five of the seven prisoners and convicts who escaped through the gutter were from a narcotics network from Aceh with the initials AAK bin R (22), J bin I (29), W bin T (47), MJ bin ZA (42) and M bin I (43).

The five perpetrators are registered as residents of Lhoksuemawe City, North Aceh Regency, Pidie Regency and Bireuen Regency in Aceh Province.