Genevieve Nollywood Made you a star,Don’t insult us!-Nollywood Director

Genevieve Nnnaji-said to have insulted Nollywood that made her.

Genevieve Nnaji the Nollywood Superstar bit more than she could chew recently.She was asked in an interview why she had not appeared in movies recently and here was what Genevieve replied:
“I guess I haven’t found the right script yet. Creativity and depth are the qualities that I look out for in a script. In the beginning, the movie industry emphasised quantity but things are changing and there is an improvement in trend. I am among the people who advocate for the improvement of the industry. So said, I am constantly watching out for the kind of stories I take part in. I am in support of movies that show a great deal of professionalism and creativity. Having practiced my art in international & professionally produced stories like ‘Ije’; ‘Mirror boy;’ and ‘Tango with me’, I don’t think I can return to the blandness and mediocrity that characterized Nollywood in the past.”

A particular Movie director was not happy and he fired back at Genevieve.The movie director Mac Collins was not happy at how Genevieve seems to belittle and insult the industry that made her,and i understand his point.
I think Genevieve was harsh in her criticism,she should have worded her feelings carefully.Yes,most Nollywood films might be mediocre,but there are good ones too and surely Genevieve can contribute to take things to the next level can’t she? Rather than sit on the sidelines and say impress me.Anyway enough of that ,see what Director Mac Collins replied:
“Genevieve has just insulted the industry (Nollywood)that made her who she is today and what effort has she made to help improve Nollywood? Those days in Enugu when Genevieve was growing in Nollywood, our movies were not rubbish; she has grown now, made money, fame, popularity e.t.c, how much has she invested in this Industry that made her? All the while she was busy waiting for Titanic scripts, Nollywood was trying their best to keep the flag flying waiting for her to come back and take the industry to the next level. Artistes should stop biting the fingers that fed them. We are watching and waiting for them to bring down heaven. We made them stars; we are waiting for them to come back and take the industry to the next level. Instead of blasting Nollywood, come and improve Nollywood.” Chidebe said
Mac Collins is right,Genevieve got her break from Nollywood,now is time for her to give back and improve the industry.When a child leaves his poor father’s house as an adult,he comes back when he is successful to give the house a facelift,not stand across the road proclaiming how ugly the house is?Over to you Genevieve,do your bit and give back to the industry that made you.
A movie produced by you will be a nice start don;t you think?
Genevieve has the clout now to get the best in the business all over Africa to produce a fantastic film,and she would not be short of financial backer either.