Who is Chief Bonaventure Mokwe? Valentine Obienyem

Mokwe`s Hotel Being Demolished PHOTO CREDIT: Valentine Obienyem

PHOTO CREDIT: Valentine Obienyem
Aide to the former Anambra State Governor, Mr. Peter Obi has explained the reason why it is not necessary to reply Obiano`s Aide. Below is the post we cuddled from Obienyem facebook wall… read after the cut….
Some people brought to my attention what Chief Bonaventure Mokwe wrote about me. They demanded I should go and read it.
I am sure those making the demand are not aware that Mokwe is the man who was arrested for aiding kidnapping by making his hotel available to them for their kidnapping business in Onitsha.
He is the man in whose hotel fresh human heads were found. Mokwe was once said to be on the loose and was bundled to Obiokoli’s house (popular for curing mad people) in Umana Ndiagu, Enugu State, until he got well. From what he does, traces of madness still remains with him.

PHOTO CREDIT: Valentine Obienyem
It is a pity such a character is bearing the name of St. Bonaventure, the medieval theologian/Philosopher that is one of the Doctors of the Church. He is known in scholastic circles as the Seraphic Doctor.
Why should I reply such a man or even read what he writes, when I am aware of where he is coming from?
Just see the picture of his Sodom and Gomorrah building he called a hotel being demolished and the crowd jubilant about it, about another evil being uprooted.

PHOTO CREDIT: Valentine Obienyem
SOURCE: Valentine Obienyem