Ghanaian gospel musician, Reverend Lenny Akpadie, has cautioned Ghanaian musicians to desist from aligning with political parties during election years.

According to him, even though such associations may look lucrative to musicians, they will go a long way to affect them negatively.

He recounted his experience with his “Most High God” hit song which he gave to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) at an amount of GHC 7,500 in December 2008, a move he now describes as having led to his suffering.


Rev Akpadie said he was subsequently tagged as NDC, affecting most of his business deals with his marriage almost collapsing.

“I gave my song to NDC for a year and they gave me GHC 7,500 even though I never performed at any of the NDC’s functions. The party wanted me to take to their platforms but I refused. I can say for sure that musicians who are in the limelight and associate themselves with political parties will suffer for it,” he said.

He, however, explained that for musicians who are unknown may not face such difficulties until their brands are solidified

“If you don’t have a brand, you have nothing to lose but if you are cemented in the industry, you become an enemy to the opposite side. It almost cost my marriage. Ghanaians should see us as doing business,” he told Andy Dosty.

Source: Adomonline
